You are welcome to request membership in any of the following teams. Your request will be promptly reviewed by one of our team directors, and you will be contacted via Discord for further details
People Team Responsible for recruitment, onboarding, diplomacy, and internal issues. The workhorse that enables our group to scale.
Conversion Team Responsible for converting non-liquid items into liquid ISK for our members. Handles trillions every single year.

Supply Team Responsible for reducing logistical headaches so that we can undock at lighting speed.

Technology Team Responsible for creating and managing technology to reduce alliance overhead.

Thinkspeak Team Responsible for building our public image and tearing down the public image of our enemies.
FC Team Fleet commanders focused on creating and defending timers

Infrastructure Team Structure management and maintenance

Intel Team Definitely not spies, we don't have those.

Mentor Team Mentors help guide our newest pilots to be successful as they grow into Eve Online.