You are welcome to request membership in any of the following SIGs. Your request will be promptly reviewed by one of our group officers, and you will be contacted via Discord for further details
Black Ops We specialize in throwing black ops at anything shiny, but sometimes we hotdrop frigates just for a laugh. Check our requirements.
Capitals Specializing in escalating dreads, carriers, and force auxiliary carriers.
Wormholes Specializes in extracting valuable income from wormhole space.
PapaRATzi This group focuses on recording fights, funny moments, and cinematic footage for videos.
DBP DBP, or "Don't be Poor", specializes in utilizing specialist compositions with high grade implants to fight with massive impact.
FL33T AT Team
Highsec Ganking SIG specialized on ganking highsec ships (orcas, freighters, miners) of enemy groups.