Annual report from the Minmatar Fleet prepared for the tribal council of the Minmatar Republic
The Minmatar Fleet annual report encompasses all relevant areas of operation to provide visibility into Minmatar Fleet Alliance, as requested by the tribal council authority.
Table of Contents
- Fiscal
- Census
- Military
- Operations
- Economic
All questions, feedback, and concerns can be directed to https://discord.gg/minmatar
Minmatar Fleet began disclosing alliance income in November YC126 through the Minmatar Fleet Holdings corporation. Alliance income is separate from corporation income. Corporations are not taxed and not required to report income to alliance. The majority of alliance holdings (structures, assets) are funded and held by corporations.
Minmatar Fleet Holdings ends YC126 with 749 billion ISK in liquid holdings, 30 billion ISK in non-liquid holdings.
Of these holdings,
- 634 billion ISK generated from out-of-game sources (affiliate links, merchandise revenue) spent on PLEX during sales
- 115 billion ISK generated from in-game sources (mercenary contracts and other revenue streams)
$600 USD was spent on annual server costs for my.minmatar.org, tools.minmatar.org, and minmatar.org. $130 spent on additional tooling, software, and design materials to support alliance.
Minmatar Fleet targets an 18 month burn rate, increasing fiscal spending in YC127 on ship reimbursement (25B/mo) and intelligence programs (10B/mo).
The Minmatar Fleet is comprised of 403 unique capsuleers, who own 1440 combat capsuleers and 918 industrial capsuleers. This is an 59.25% increase from the 237 unique capsuleers registered last year.
Breakdown by corporation,
- 142 Rattini Tribe
- 66 Minmatar Fleet Academy
- 42 Exit Strategy
- 41 Balls Deep Inc.
- 33 Black Omega Security
- 33 Soltech Armada
- 19 Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly
- 16 Protean Concept
- 11 Vindicta Expeditionary
Full disclosures of corporations and their purpose are located here.
Minmatar Fleet saw a combined 1351 fleet operations in YC126.
- 748 scheduled operations
- 375 urgent casual operations (@everyone)
- 288 non-urgent casual operations (@here)
A recorded 75,584 vessels were destroyed by Minmatar Fleet, for a total of 13.08T destroyed. 5.05T was lost.
Minmatar Fleet is comprised of 8 teams and 27 directors.
- FC team (9 unique capsuleers)
- People team (26 unique capsuleers)
- Thinkspeak team (25 unique capsuleers)
- Technology team (6 unique capsuleers)
- Supply team (14 unique capsuleers)
- Conversion team (19 unique capsuleers)
- Redacted team (6 unique capsuleers)
- Redacted team (6 unique capsuleers)
37% of these unique capsuleers are involved in multiple teams, and 17.5% of Minmatar Fleet is involved in a team.
Logistical and supply teams moved 3.2T ISK of goods, and sold 1.1T ISK worth of goods on public contract. This represents 89.5% of all ship losses, with 11.5% sourced by external parties.
Conversion teams converted 1.85B loyalty points representing 1.33T ISK in returns at an average of 720 ISK per loyalty point.