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Planet with a moon in the backgraound of an asteroid field

A Map for the Amarr/Minmatar Warzone (Updated).

Profile picture of Faye Vaelent
Faye Vaelent Mon, Oct 14, 2024


Wild Geese [GAGGL]

The lovable lowsec band of misfits that just can’t seem to understand the concept of “picking your battles.” Armed with more enthusiasm than firepower, these guys are infamous for trying to punch way above their weight class, constantly pinging the Militia comms with bold announcements like “Shooting BIGAB moon drills!”—as if their ragtag fleet of barely-repaired ships could really scare off the likes of BIGAB or SNUFF.

You’ve got to admire their spirit, though. They’ll eagerly show up to shoot a structure, completely ignoring the fact that their total DPS could barely scratch the paint. When they’re inevitably outnumbered and steamrolled by the very groups they try to poke, Wild Geese takes it all in stride—after all, nothing says “victory” like exploding gloriously in a fireball while claiming it was “all part of the plan.” But hey, if optimism and bravery could win wars, these guys would have conquered Huola and maybe all of New Eden by now!

Electus Matari [-EM-]

Once the proud defenders of Minmatar freedom, Electus Matari spent years battling the Amarr in faction warfare —but lately, many of them seem to have embraced the "freedom" of lowsec piracy. No longer content with just defending their people, they’ve now taken up the fine Minmatar tradition of "liberating" unsuspecting capsuleer pods from their ships. Of course, they’ll tell you they’re still fighting for justice —just with a bit more self-interest. So if you encounter an Electus Matari ship in lowsec, don’t be surprised if they’re fighting for the freedom to reallocate your loot!

Local Is Primary [CTRLV]

The Ballad of CTRLV

Oh, hear the tale of CTRLV, strong and proud, In Aset’s skies, their flag flew high, For years they stood, a beacon bright, Against the night, they held the light.

In Huola's cradle, they sought their kin, Bound by blood, forged thick and thin. With Amarr's hand, they fought the war, Their shields held firm on every bash.

But bitter winds began to blow, When friends turned foes, and hope sank low. A knife in the back, a treachery untold, The tale of CTRLV and their fall so cold.

From Turnur's breach, the wormholes tore apart, Deepwater Hooligans with darkened heart. Drawn like wolves to scent of wars. Their laughter echoed across the stars.

In shadows long, bucaneers loomed, While CTRLV fought, as their fate was doomed. Against BIGAB’s might, no hope remained, Their Titan snapped, their power waned.

To A-M-R they turned, their allies dear, “Grant us shelter, in Sosala clear. We've stood with you through thick and thin, Now give us strength to rise again.”

But silence greeted every call, And from the heights, began the fall. For A-M-R’s heart was not its own, Corrupted deep, the seeds were sown.

Then came the truth, a twist in fate, RSM, with smiles, concealed the hate. For PatchyThePirate, their poisoned core, Bowed to BIGAB's will and whispered war.

And CDLoon too, with guilty hand, Led CTRLV to its final stand. To BIGAB blade they turned their gaze, But the fires of betrayal set them ablaze.

And the bitter winds did mightly blow, As friends turned foes, and hope sank low. A knife in the back, the treachery bold, The tale of CTRLV, in the void now cold.

CTRLV stands, though broken and scarred, Their fleets still fly, though hope is marred. Yet in the void, they find their way, For the stars remember their fateful day.

The Amarr will rise, the war goes on, But CTRLV's fall is a sorrowed song. For in the void, no trust remains, Only the echoes of unspoken pains.

Sedition [SEDIT]

Sedition, the infamous lowsec troublemakers, seem to have found a new playground in the Amarr/Minmatar warzone, leaving their old Gallente Federation stomping grounds behind. It’s like they got tired of "defending superdemocracy" and thought, "Hey, why not mix things up and start brawling in someone else’s backyard?" Now, instead of pretending to care about Gallente ideals, they're out in the southern warzone, roaming around like bored mercenaries crashing a party they weren’t even invited to. Sure, they’ll tell you they’re just looking for good fights, but we all know they just couldn’t resist the lure of fresh targets —and maybe a few Amarrian tears. Gallente space can wait; there are more ships to explode elsewhere!

Meta Zero [ZUCK]

The quirky new addition to the Amarr Militia, where Minmatar defectors have found a new calling —defending the Empire’s honor, one conspiracy theory at a time! Rumor has it they still keep a few too many friendly comms with their old Minmatar buddies, which hasn’t exactly helped ease the suspicions from their new Amarrian comrades. It’s hard to trust someone when they insist their real mission is protecting the Empress… who, by the way, isn’t dead at all but is actually one of the Lizard People, sunbathing somewhere in secret, getting ready for her glorious return! Half-Amarrian zealots, half-Minmatar Fleet Alliance tackle, and full-time defenders of the Empress’s tanning schedule!

Khimi Harar [LUMEN]

The proud Amarrian alliance that spends more time polishing their golden ships and reciting holy scriptures than actually venturing far from the safety of Raa. LUMEN’s members are less about conquering the warzone and more about ensuring their prayers are up-to-date. Sure, they’ll show up to a fight —right after they finish their daily hymn, bless their lasers, and double-check the Emperor’s commandments.

When they do undock, it’s usually just a short pilgrimage to the local gate in Kamela before heading back to their holy citadel. After all, why risk divine judgment by traveling too far from blessed Amarrian soil? They may not have the biggest impact on the warzone, but their faith in their minimal contributions is unwavering —because nothing says "Amarr Victor" quite like a glorified sightseeing tour through the same two systems!

Rote Kapelle [STUGH]

Rote Kapelle's eviction from their nullsec space at the hands of Fraternity is a story filled with the usual EVE Online drama, with a healthy mix of broken promises, brute force, and some good old-fashioned meme-worthy defeats. After their unceremonious eviction by Fraternity, Rote Kapelle crash-landed in the lowsec system of Turnur, right on BIGAB's futon.

After their legendary stint as lowsec pirates in Turnur, where they gleefully terrorized miners and disrupted Militia fleets, Rote Kapelle has now gone legit —well, as legit as Rote Kapelle gets— by securing their very own system in Scalding Pass. Apparently, the lowsec piracy life was just a temporary gig until they could get their hands on some prime nullsec real estate again.

DammFam [DF]

The "humble industrialists" who just happen to live in the border system of Dammlin, mine like maniacs, and somehow produce enough ships to fuel an entire war effort… but, no, they definitely aren’t secretly the industrial arm of Ushra'Khan. That’s just a coincidence, right? When asked, they’ll say they’re just “peaceful miners,” but if you so much as sneeze near one of their belts, they’ll deploy an entire fleet of combat-ready ships faster than you can blink. Miners with teeth? More like miners with a full-blown arsenal and a suspiciously deep knowledge of Minmatar ship blueprints.

So sure, DammFam might be "just miners," but somehow, they’re always ready to defend the Republic —or at least, their moon drills. You know, for purely industrial reasons.

Absolute Order [ABSO]

Were discipline is preached, but apparently not practiced! This is the alliance that insists on their strict fascist-themed hierarchy, with multiple tiers of citizenship and an obsession with weird salutes, but can't quite figure out how to align their guns properly in a fight. It’s almost like they think if they roleplay hard enough, the enemy will just surrender out of sheer confusion.

And when they're not busy losing Feroxes to frigates, they’re managing to lose their mining barges —again. You'd think after the fifth time the Minmatar popped their entire operation in Dital, they'd learn to stop sending out defenseless mining fleets, but apparently, Absolute Order prefers the "learn nothing, lose everything" approach.

In short, Absolute Order is the perfect example of what happens when you spend more time roleplaying as fascist overlords than learning how to actually PvP. But hey, they’ve got the Roman salute down perfectly. And remember, everything they do is pOLiTiCaL Bruh..!