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EXTRA!!! RMC fails to destroy RC Keepstar!

Profile picture of Faye Vaelent
Faye Vaelent Mon, Oct 14, 2024


This week's headlines scream of close calls, missed opportunities, and the enduring strength of capsuleer spirit! Let's dissect:

RMC falters at the RC Keepstar: Red Menace Coalition's grand plan to crack the RekkingCrew Keepstar went belly-up. Was it overconfidence? Underwhelming support from small indy alliances? Or perhaps...lizard people sabotage?

Speaking of which, whispers of reptilian operatives wrecks have some capsuleers clutching their tinfoil hats. While the Amarr may be scaly, I wouldn't bet on interdimensional intervention just yet. Focus on the real enemy, pilots!

Boom or Bust: Booshing claims second place in warzone deaths. Love it or hate it, the high-risk, high-reward disruption tactic claims more lives than ever.

Miracle Landing saves FC! Talk about a close one! A timely citadel landing at 1% hull saved a Fleet Commander's BearThatCares. Props to The Rogue Consortium for they support!

Fly safe, o7

Sponsor time: Minmatar Fleet is a faction warfare, Minmatar aligned alliance breaking into content in nullsec. We like to undock because we like the game. This piece of propaganda newspaper issue is related to our current campaign. We hope you enjoy. Fun, wholesome propaganda is why many of us started playing this game.

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